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Replacing Joints & Restoring Lives

Medically known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is a condition that severely limits your motions as the tissues in the shoulder joints become thicker with time & develop scar tissue.

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms: Main Signs and Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

1. Stiffness in & around the shoulder
2. Muscle, joint & bone pain in & around the shoulders or arms
3. Limited range of motion
4. Trouble moving the shoulders or arms normally

Dr Brajesh Dadarya – ArthroMed Arthroscopy & Sports Injury Centre

Frozen Shoulder causes: 

1. Age: This condition often affects people between the ages of 40 – 70.
2. Injury / Surgery: Recovery from an injury or surgery that limits the normal range of motion of the shoulder & arm such as cervical disc disease or a stroke that affects the nerves in the shoulder. Open heart & spinal surgeries also affect the shoulder.
3. Hormonal Imbalances
4. Inflammatory conditions: Some pre-existing inflammatory medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes may also cause frozen shoulder.

Diagnosis of a frozen shoulder is done with patients age, medical history, onset, nature etc. The clinical examination to confirm a frozen shoulder is relativity simple.

Dr Brajesh Dadarya – ArthroMed Arthroscopy & Sports Injury Centre

Frozen Shoulder treatments:

  1. Medication: Pain & inflammation associated with frozen shoulder can be reduced with pain relievers.
  2. Therapy: Range-of-motion exercises to help recover as much mobility in your shoulder as possible can be learned in rehabilitation & therapy.
  3. Surgical Procedures: If conventional methods do not work, surgery may be the last option.

The Department of Orthopedics at ArthroMed Arthroscopy & Sports Injury Centre is one among the best hospitals in Jabalpur for shoulder pain & frozen shoulder-related problems. Our doctors believe in providing a holistic treatment & provide a diagnosis that is beneficial in the long term.

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